My Top 10 Bookish Wishes

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Today’s prompt is about our bookish wishes. Here’s my list including items and things I’d like to happen book / reading wise:

  1. Kindle stand and remote page turning to elevate the reading in bed experience;
  2. I’d like to see a new book announcement from one of my favorite authors (Neil Gaiman, Anthony Doerr);
  3. Confirmation on publication data for book 3 in The Kingkiller Chronicle by Patrick Rothfuss;
  4. Finding my favorite read of the year and a new all time favorite book;
  5. More shelf space to miraculously appear in my appartment;
  6. To finish the first draft of something I’ve started writing;
  7. Find a new favorite fantasy series and new favorite classic;
  8. Revive my bookish Instagram account, I’ve not been particularly inspired lately;
  9. Finally unhaul the pile of books at my parents house that I don’t plan on rereading;
  10. Collect more signed or special editions of books I love.

What’s on your list this week? Leave your TTT in the comments.

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8 Responses

  1. It wold be nice if we book people had a “bag of holding” or a “shelf of holding” that miraculously accomodated all the books we chose to place in it!

  2. Lydia says:

    I love these wishes! Hope they all come true for you.

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.

  3. Lol I love number 5! That is how I feel all the time in my small house! Fingers crossed for miracles!

  4. I don’t use my Kindle stand and page-turner enough!! It doesn’t fit my side table quite right so I’m looking for another option, but when I do use it, it truly makes reading in bed so much easier!! I also want to collect more special editions of books I love. I think it’s a great way to show those authors’ support while making your book collection more you! Great list!

    Here is my post:

  5. I feel as though many of us can relate to these wishes!

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  6. I love the magical shelf space idea. That would definitely come in handy!

    Happy TTT!


  7. Great wishes! I have a stack of books in my laundry room waiting to be unhauled. Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier. Have a great week!
