13 Minutes by Sarah Pinborough

I hadn’t read a thriller in a while and I had been eyeing this book for a while because of the cover. I ended up taking it on vacation with me and here’s my review.

The narrative starts with everyone hearing that Natasha has been found in the river and did not breathe for 13 minutes on the news. People start speculating as to what may have happened and her schoolmates especially so.

The friendships and relationships between different characters leave you wondering if there’s anything more the author’s not telling us.

Natasha fixates on the number 13 and starts seeing it everywhere. 13 pieces of cereal, 13 pearl beads…and did I mention she doesn’t remember what’s happened?

Her former friend Becca is worried and wants to reconnect and ensure Natasha is okay, but will Natasha allow it? The reader can’t help but wonder why these girls are no longer friends.

The plot leans towards the predictable end of thrillers which I’m not a fan of. The writing was okay, but has not got me excited to read another book by this author.

Rating ⭐⭐⭐

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