Reading Year in Review: 2021 Highlights

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Today’s topic is New-to-Me Authors I Discovered in 2021. As the final wrap up type post for 2021, I decided to do a reading year in review.

  1. CAWPILE rating system – created by Book Roast on Youtube, I used this rating system from January to September. I stopped because keeping up with the spreadsheet was a bit much seeing as I read a lot of books, but I did like the stats it included such as pages read per month, publication year, author nationality etc. I’m not going to use it in 2022 as I’m trying to simplify things this year, but for anyone looking for a tracking system or a good spreadsheet, I highly recommend you check it out.
  2. I read the most books I’ve ever read, yet coming up with a top ten list at the end of the year was not easy. For a while it felt like I was reading the same thing over and over again and barely anything stood out. Luckily, I read some gems at the end of the year. You can see my top ten books of 2021 here.
  3. Discovered signed / special editions of books which could be a dangerous-for-my-budget level up in my book collecting. Neil Gaiman’s Pirate Stew and Anthony Doerr’s Cloud Cuckoo Land are especially near and dear to my heart.
  4. The start of my Scribd subscription also needs to be mentioned. For a while I was switching between Audible and Scribd but ultimately Scribd is the cheaper option and it does have a good selection of books I’m interested in. This is also why a lot of my reading in the latter half of the year was largely via audiobooks.
  5. The year of reading challenges, readathons and reading experiments, some of them more successful than others. Check out my blog post on reading 30 books in 30 days here.
  6. The year I made an effort with my Bookstagram pictures and in turn didn’t make enough of an effort with my reviews on the blog (insert sigh here). The year of no official hauls, tbrs and wrap ups on the blog (with exceptions) as I mostly do those on Bookstagram and I like it better that way. You can follow me @readwithstefani and help me reach my goal of 3000 followers.
  7. So much reading and publishing drama which I was trying to keep up courtesy of Jess Owens’s Book CommuniTEA videos on Booktube, but it all got to be a little too much so I also stopped keeping track.
  8. I read lots of middle grade fantasy and joined many a reading sprint – thanks to Jadeyraereads.
  9. I discovered one my all time favorite epic fantasy series: The Faithful and the Fallen by John Gwynne.
  10. The year of 250 books – my personal since I started doing the Goodreads reading challenge in 2012. For my full year in books, check out this Goodreads link.

What are your highlights of 2021?

Leave your TTT in the comments below.

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53 Responses

  1. Marg напиша:

    It can be so hard to keep up with everything on all the different platforms.

    Here is my post for this week

  2. Steph@paigesofbooks напиша:

    I loved this post a lot. I had a similar year to yours because I did a lot of challenges and readhtons as well.

  3. Jenni Elyse напиша:

    Congrats on reading the most books you’ve ever read last year! Last year was a bad reading year for me. I hope to make up for it this year. I hope this year is also a great year for you.

  4. Lindsey @ Lindsey Reads напиша:

    Love this kind of reading year in review. And congrats on reading the most books ever, that’s a great highlight 🙂

  5. Anita@seriesbooklover напиша:

    Looks like a great reading year

  6. Leah @ Leah's Books напиша:

    Wow, sounds like a super productive and busy year!

  7. Stephen @ ReadingFreely напиша:

    Congrats! 250 is quite the achievement! I think in my best year I only hit 180 or so… O_O

  8. Literary Feline напиша:

    You had a very busy and productive year overall from the looks of it. Keeping up with everything is a challenge in and of itself, isn’t it? We can only do so much. I hope you have a wonderful 2022 in reading!

  9. Tanya @ Girl Plus Books напиша:

    It’s great to enjoy so many books, but it does make narrowing down favorites pretty difficult.

  10. I thought I would try Cawpile but then it was just too much work for me. I read so much that it’s hard enough to write my “simple” reviews! lol. I love Jade!! Middle grade was something I started reading a couple years ago and I love it.

  11. I enjoy watching Jess Owens’s videos. She is so much fun to watch!

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  12. I’ve gotten more out of my Scridb subscription this year too I think. I prefer it for audio and sticking with my kindle for ebooks, but it’s a good way to pad out my audible credits.

  13. Lauren @ Always Me напиша:

    Congratulations! I need to try Gwynne! 🙂

  14. Bree @1girl2manybooks напиша:

    Congrats on having your best reading year! I also feel it can be hard sometimes to keep up with everything and sometimes you just have to let all of that go and just enjoy reading.

  15. FangirlFlax напиша:

    These are some amazing reading highlights! I’m glad you had such a great year. I wanted to read more that was new-to-me rather than rereads, and I definitely did that!

  16. Congrats on reading so many books last year. I’ve been using Scribd a lot lately too. They really do have a great selection of ebooks and audiobooks.

  17. Sarita@MoreToDiscover напиша:

    I also discovered Scribd! So much better than Audio.

  18. Marianne @ Let's Read напиша:

    Nice twist on the topic. I’ll have a look at your favourite reads of 2021. But – 30 books in 30 days, OMG, that can’t be “real” books, LOL. For me, a book starts after page 500, so no way I could do them in 30 days. But a nice idea.

    Thanks for visiting my TTT this week.

  19. so interesting that you use Scribd! I get all of my audiobooks from the library / Libby and that works pretty well as long as you make sure to reserve like 10 at a time so that one is always available haha

  20. I noticed the same thing about my 2021 reading year. I read a lot of books (203), but most of them were just average reads. Some of them did stand out for sure. The majority of them, though, were just kind of meh. I think that’s what happens when you read so many.

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!


  21. Emma @ Words And Peace напиша:

    Impressive year, thanks for sharing!
    I didn’t know the CAWPILE rating system. It’s close to Book Riot, though it actually seems much easier to edit a category, so I’ll switch to that next year.
    I’m trying Book Riot this year, though I have also been using my own for several years

  22. vidya напиша:

    I know I would love to have a signed copy of any Neil Gaiman book myself!! Cloud Cuckoo Land is on my must-read list (as you have noticed already!)
    And I am following you on Insta now (ladyinreadwrites)

  23. RS @ The Idealistic Daydream напиша:

    oh wow, it deleted the spaces between my paragraphs when I copy-pasted from Notepad. Sorry about the wall of text! Let’s try this again:
    I love how you put this — “discovered signed / special editions of books which could be a dangerous-for-my-budget level up in my book collecting.”

    I can resist signed books pretty well, but omg, special editions are KILLER. It’s a toss-up between whether bonus content or beautiful covers is my greater kryptonite. I tend not to buy books new, so this is extra-tempting because if there’s one thing I have FOMO about, it’s limited editions of books whose scarcity may make them impossible to find secondhand a couple decades down the road, even if I’m willing to pay higher prices.

    I was curious about your 250 reads — congratulations, btw! More than I’ve ever read in a year, for sure — but your link is the one that will redirect every Goodreads user to their own year in books. Try going to your profile page and clicking the “see your year in books” link from there — it should add your unique user number onto the end of the URL. Use that one in your post link.

    • stefi напиша:

      It’s the cover for me 😀 I try to get only the ones I really really want but they seem to keep making them prettier and prettier. And wow, I’m ashamed I didn’t spot that in the link (I work in tech support :/), I’ve fixed the link now, thanks for mentioning it and for your lovely comment 😀
