Books Involving Food (That are Not Cookbooks)

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Selecting the books for this week’s post got me hungry indeed:

  1. The Eighth Life by Nino Haratischwili – I want the hot chocolate from this book so bad!
  2. Three Apples Fell from the Sky by Narine Abgaryan – so many delicious sounding dishes with simple ingredients featured here;
  3. A Wizard’s Guide to Defensive Baking by T. Kingfisher – freshly baked bread and warm cookies anyone?
  4. Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus – a cooking TV show by a chemist and a very good read indeed;
  5. Legends & Lattes by Travis Baldree – a cozy café and yummy pastries;
  6. Every Time I Go on Vacation, Someone Dies by Catherine Mack – whilst I did not enjoy the plot, the book takes place in Italy and so much pasta and wine is consumed that I felt it deserved a spot on this list;
  7. The Food of Love by Anthony Capella – more yummy pasta featured;
  8. Greece Actually by Sue Roberts – Greek food and Greek islands – a match made in heaven;
  9. Crying in H Mart by Michelle Zauner – a sad book featuring Korean food;
  10. The Holiday Swap by Maggie Knox – featuring chefs and bakeries.

What book got you hungry or looking up recipes when preparing for this post? Leave your TTT in the comments.

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15 Responses

  1. Lydia напиша:

    Now I’m hungry. Those noodles looks especially good.

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.

  2. I adored The Holiday Swap! It was a fun read and a fun review to write.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  3. Heather напиша:

    I love The Wizard’s Guide to Defensive Baking! I run a monthly link up for books about food. I’d love to have you join up at

  4. Cholla напиша:

    I love seeing Legends & Lattes get so much love!

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thanks!

  5. Rissi JC напиша:

    Every time I see the ‘Someone Dies’ book on a list, the title makes me smile! It sure makes one curious about what all goes on in that story! Also I own Maggie’s book. Haven’t read it but I remember I picked it up because it sounded really fun. 🙂 Thanks a bunch for visiting my website today!

  6. Claire Louisa напиша:

    Some interesting looking books, I nearly added Lessons in Chemistry to my list.

  7. Laurie напиша:

    Finally I see someone who read The Eighth Life as well, it’s a book that really seems to stay under the radar in English. In my country it was a huge success.

  8. Haze @ The Book Haze напиша:

    A Wizard’s Guide to Defensive Baking, Legends & Lattes, and Lessons in Chemistry are three of my favorite books! I love them! I also have Crying in H Mart on my TBR but I haven’t heard of any of the other books.

  9. vero @themoonphoenix напиша:

    Three Apples Fell from the Sky go to my tbr, i love to read about different cultures

  10. Leah @ Leah's Books напиша:

    This is a great list! I’ve read a few of these, but it looks like I’m about to be adding some more to my TBR now. Three Apples Fell from the Sky sounds really interesting – I haven’t seen many books about Armenian stories, so that one is definitely getting prioritized. Thanks for the heads up!

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