Beach Read by Emily Henry

Click the image to see the synopsis on Goodreads.

Either this was average or my expectations have been set too high after the glowing reviews it’s been receiving by people I follow.

The story follows two authors facing writer’s block in parallel and inevitably their paths cross. After an almost hear-to-heart they confess their writing troubles to each other and decide to swap genres i.e. each will write the book the other one is meant to complete by the end of the summer.
So far so good, yes?
Where things went wrong for me is their research of these genres they’d never worked in, as an aspiring writer I found the concept interesting, but I didn’t care much for how it was executed in the book and I was drifting off from the audibook – the narration was not much to my liking and I had to rewind several times.

Whilst this delivered the fun, summer story it was advertised to do, I just wish each concept flowed together better and the characters to be themselves and not their author-selves. I won’t go into why they’re battling writer’s block as it’s unique to their family situations and to avoid giving spoilers.

The book club in the beach town was a nice surprise, each of them hoping for a chance for their respective book to be featured in what turns out to be a SPY novels book club.

Overall, I like the idea of this book better than the book itself. It over-promised and under-delivered.

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1 Response

  1. I always worry about hyped books, I’ve seen this one everywhere. Sorry it didn’t quite meet the mark.
