Bookish Merchandise I’d Love to Own
Today’s TTT topic is bookish merchandise I’d love to own. It’s a very long list, but here are my current 10 favorites:

The One Ring

The Elder Wand

A literary blanket

Cool bookend

Book bag



Totoro poster

Middle Earth map

Signed first (specail) editions of some of my favorite books
I’d love if you check out my review of The Radium Girls by Kate Moore and let me know what you think of this review format. Thank you!
What’s your favorite? Leave your TTT in the comments.
That skirt is so cool, and I’m saying that as someone who rarely if ever wears a skirt! 🙂
My post:
A literary blanket would be super cool!
Great list! I love that blanket.
Love it all! You have great taste.
I LOVE that book skirt. Wow.
I love that blanket!! Such a great list. 🙂
I love that edition of Stardust!
These all look so cool, I love that literary blanket 🙂