Books I Was SO EXCITED to Get, but Still Haven’t Read 

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Today’s topic is Books I Was SO EXCITED to Get, but Still Haven’t Read.

  1. The Left-Handed Booksellers of London by Garth Nix
  2. Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: An Indian History of the American West by Dee Brown
  3. Fire from Heaven by Mary Renault
  4. Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World by Haruki Murakami,
  5. London by Edward Rutherfurd

Which one of these should I prioritize?

Check out my review of There’s No Such Thing as an Easy Job.

Leave your TTT in the comments.

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7 Responses

  1. Lindsey Habets напиша:

    I haven’t read any of these yet, but I hope you’ll enjoy them all!

  2. Jenni Elyse напиша:

    I love that you have THE LEFT-HANDED BOOKSELLERS ON LONDON on your list. I don’t have a copy of it or it would’ve gone on my list too. I’m a sucker for all things lefties since I am one, lol.

  3. Leah @ Leah's Books напиша:

    I haven’t read any of these, but I definitely have had The Left-Handed Booksellers of London on my TBR forever!

  4. I’ve heard so many good things about Haruki Murakami’s books, but haven’t picked up any myself. Hope you enjoy these when you get a chance to read them.

  5. The Left-Handed Booksellers of London looks really good!! I hope you get to all of these soon-ish. 🙂

  6. REALLY hope you enjoy ALL of these, Stefani. Happiest of reading when you have the chance to read them. Hope you enjoy. 🙂 Thanks a bunch for visiting Finding Wonderland on this week. Appreciate that.
