Books with Animals
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Today’s topic is Titles with Animals In Them and/or Covers with Animals On Them. I’ve taken some liberty by including books with dragons (are dragons animals?) and some with a metaphors but no actual animals, but hey there’s still some sort of animal in the content or on the cover.

Have you read any of these books? What did you think of them?
Leave your TTT in the comments.
That dragon looks so cool!
My post:
Ooh Farmer Giles. And I love Charles Vess’ art 🙂
I vaguely remember Pippi Longstocking as a kid but I haven’t read it in years. Here is my post-
I love the cover of The Cat Who Saved The Books, how cute!
I love the cover of that Neil Gaiman book. Wow.
Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.
Pippy Longstocking! I loved that book as a kid!
Wow, some cool choices for books in your TTT post! Many I’ve never even heard of before!!
Dragons are totally animals! I love the dragon covers.
I just spent several minutes trying to find an animal on the Running Wild cover when I realized you said some covers were metaphors. LOL
Fun list! I’ve read both Pippi and The Cat Who Saved Books. But that Matt Haig one looks like a lot of fun, too. Thanks for commenting on my blog earlier. 😀
A Pippi Longstocking!
I still want to read The cat who saved books. Sounds like such a fun read!
Thanks for visiting us earlier!
Elza Reads
I LOVE Pippi Longstocking! And Farmer Giles is really good, too 🙂
Fun topic. I love tigers so I’m kind of obsessed with the cover of The Night Guest!