Part of Your World by Abby Jimenez

I’ve been hearing lots of good things about this series, recently felt like reading some romance and this came to mind.

The first book in the Part of Your World series features Dr Alexis Montgomery and carpenter / mayor Daniel Grant, an unlikely pairing if there ever was one. Alexis comes from an influential family of surgeons, Daniel from a family of carpenters and mayors. Did I mention Daniel is 10 years younger?

There’s obvious chemistry on the page, but everything seems to point a relationship between the two will never work. Alexis is under a lot of pressure at work (ЕR doctor) and from her family to certain things in a certain way while Daniel has a town and family business relying on him 2 hours away from her. Commuting back and forth is not easy with their hectic schedules.

As I read I kept thinking, yes, it doesn’t seem like it’s going to work. There must be a way, there must a happy ending? Of course, I will not actually reveal the ending, but I gave this book a 4 star rating overall. That is unusually high rating considering the genre and my overall average rating is around 3 stars.

The characters are interesting, there’s family background and history. And I liked both settings. I don’t believe I’ve read a book set in Minnesota before. I loved the animals and the description of Daniel’s carpentry, I loved Alexis’s character growth and her saying goodbye to some toxic friendships. If you’re looking for a romance to read this summer, I suggest you check this one out.

I immediately got the next book and proceeded to read that as well. The review will follow in the next few days.

Have you read Part of Your World? What did you think of it?

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