Top Ten Books Worth Rereading

Today’s topic is about most anticipate releases for the later half of the year, however there’s 2 to 3 books max left on my list so I’m doing top ten reread worthy books instead!

The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien
The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka
The Yellow Wall-Paper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman
The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou
A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson
So there you have it: a list of books to read over and over again. How many of these have you read?
Leave your list in the comments below.
Going to be honest and say I’ve only read one of these (Lord of the Rings), but 1984 has been on my list forever!
You should definitely get to it Lorraine! Thanks for visiting.
The Yellow Wall-Paper is haunting in a good way!
It sure is.
I have to confess I haven’t read any of these books although there are definitely a few I’ve been meaning to read for years.
You should try and get to some of them 😀 Thanks for visiting!
What a fantastic list! I agree with all of your picks. 🙂
My post:
Yaay! Thanks for visiting Lydia!
Lord of the Rings is definitely worth re-reading!
Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!
Agreed! Thanks for visiting!
I need to read The Lord of the Rings!
Genesis @ Whispering Chapters
I second that! Thanks for visiting
I’ve only read Les Miserables.
That’s one of my all time faves, thanks for visiting Steph!
I do want to read 1984 at some point. I never have! I loved The Yellow Wallpaper.
The Yellow Wall-Paper is definitely worth a read! Thanks for visiting!
I’ve only read four books on your list and, yes, they are worth rereading. I hope to read The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka soon.
Here’s my Top Ten Tuesday list this week.
Definitely one worth reading, thanks for visiting Lectrice!
Great list! I could definitely use a Lord of the Rings reread too 🙂
Yaaay! Thanks for visiting Lindsey!
I think you are correct since I have reread The Yellow Wallpaper and The Little Prince. I don’t think I’ll reread Metamorphosis, however.
Thanks for visiting Anne!
The Yellow Wallpaper is such a great, eerie read!
It sure it, thanks for visiting Louise!
I’m not one to reread books, but I have read 1984. And I have to say it’s kind of scary how some of the events from the book are happening now.
Here’s my post:
Definitely scary how relevant it still is. Thanks for visiting Pam!
I’ve not read any of these, but I’m glad you enjoyed them all enough to consider them reread-worthy.
Definitely worth checking some of these out. Thanks for visiting Jo.
I’ve only read 1984, but it’s definitely one I’d pick up again.
It’s a bit creepy how relevant it still is. Thanks for visiting Alicia!
The Kite Runner is one of my favorites! Great list!
Thank you! and thanks for visiting!
Umm is it terrible to say I have never read any of them? 🙊 I do really want to read 1984, and I have a copy, so hopefully one of these days! Ditto Kite Runner. Also, I ADORE that cover of I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings! Hope you enjoy the rereads!
Definitely not Shannon, so many books so little time! But I do think you should give some of these a chance 😀 Thanks for visiting!
If I didn’t have shelves full of books I still have to read for the first time, there’s definitely some books I’d enjoy re-reading. But then I sometimes also wonder if my first impression is best left as is. 🙂 Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland last week; hope you enjoy all of these as re-reads!