What I’ve Been Reading Lately

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Today’s topic is Authors I’d Love a New Book From. Because I’m behind on reading books by authors I love as it is, I decided to tell you a bit about 10 books I’ve read recently i.e. this year:

The Yellow-Lighted Bookshop is a memoir about books and reading, but also tells a bit about how books and libraries came to be. Definitely a good read for every book lover.

The Devil in the White City is a fascinating non-fiction about a serial killer and The World’s Columbian Exhibition in Chicago in 1983. I only wished for a firmer connection between the related events, feels loosely held together. I’ve since got all of Larson’s remaining books as ebooks and I’m looking further to reading more from this author.

I can describe Middlemarch in one word: BORING!

Heartburn is a story about a marriage that falls apart just as the wife is about to give birth to a second child. Heartbreaking.

Black Beauty is a story about a horse and it was both sad and beautiful. Did I mention it’s narrated by said horse?

The Book Ninja is a quick romance read set in a bookshop and around Melbourne’s train station. It’s also full of bookish references and recommendations.

Seven Kinds of People You Find in Bookshops is exactly what the title says it is, written in Bythell’s recognizably satirical/humorous style.

The Jade Setter of Janloon is a fantastic story to dip one’s toes back into Fonda Lee’s Green Bone Saga.

Bookends was more about the author acting out rather than the books and literature the cover and title would make you believe. I didn’t care about it one bit.

Funny Story is one I believe you’ve all already heard of so I’ll spare you the summary and tell you I liked it, but it’s not my favorite Emily Henry book.

Have you read any of these? Leave your TTT in the comments. Happy reading!

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3 Responses

  1. Seven Kinds of People You Find in Bookshops sounds great! I also read Funny Story recently and loved it.

  2. Lydia says:

    Funny Story sounds interesting.

  3. I loved THE YELLOW-LIGHTED BOOKSHOP when I read it years ago. DEVIL IN THE WHITE CITY was too disturbing for me, so I DNF’d it. BLACK BEAUTY is one I LOVED as a child. I was actually just in Bythell’s bookshop a few months ago. I was sent there by someone who knows him and is actually featured in one of his books! Sadly, Bythell wasn’t there when I visited. It would have been fun to meet him.

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

