Books I Recommend to Others the Most

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Today’s topic is Books I Recommend to Others the Most. Here’s my list:

Have you read any of these? What did you think? Leave your TTT in the comments.

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24 Responses

  1. Ahh, Pillars of the Earth! I had to read that for a college course and loved it!

  2. 1984 is the only one from your list that I have read. Have a great week and thanks for stopping by my blog earlier.

  3. Mistborn! There are several on my TBR listed, too.

  4. The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo is definitely worth recommending! Such an unforgettable story (and character).

  5. I’ve seen THE SEVEN HUSBANDS OF EVELYN HUGO on a bunch of lists this week. I still need to read it. Mistborn is a great pick as well. I’m not a fantasy reader and I loved the series.

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!


  6. I put Evelyn Hugo on my list as well!

  7. I’ve read and enjoyed everything on your list except The Final Empire. I think that means I need to add it to my list!

  8. Jo says:

    The Book Thief is one of my all-time favourite books!
    My TTT:

  9. Oh my, I still struggle to finish reading 1984 :” But I know that Orwell’s work should be great.
    Ah, The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo has already been on my tbr. Will read it when the time fits

    • stefi says:

      I can understand 1984 would be a struggle, to an extent it was for me too. But it was absolutely worth it in the end. Do give it a chance when you can.

  10. Marg says:

    So many great choices here – The Graveyard Book, Shadow of the Wind and The Book Thief are all books I have read and enjoyed!

  11. Rissi JC says:

    I hear from lots of Instagram accounts that 1984 is a good read. Never been one I’ve looked seriously into, but maybe at some point I will. 🙂 Thanks so much for visiting my website this week. I really appreciate this.
