My Top Ten TBR Veterans

Click the image to be taken to the blog hosting Top Ten Tuesday

Today is a freebie and I’ve decided to mention the books that have been on my ‘want to read’ list on Goodreads the longest i.e. since 2012 as that’s when I started using Goodreads.

Have you read any of these? Which one(s) should I read this summer? Leave your TTT in the comments.

Check out my review of Yellowface by R.F. Kuang, I’d very much appreciate it <3

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6 Responses

  1. Lark напиша:

    I finally got around to reading Grapes of Wrath last year. And it’s an excellently written book, but very sad as one thing after another goes wrong for the Joad family.

  2. Lydia напиша:

    The Grapes of Wrath was really good. I recommend it.

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday post.

  3. vidya напиша:

    some of these are on my TBR as well 🙂 and your post reminded me of Sidney Sheldon (a name I hadn’t heard for too long now..)
    my ttt:

  4. Jessica @ a GREAT read напиша:

    Ooh nice topic choice! I ought to look back and see which ones are oldest on my TBR as well! It’s sad how long some have been there!

    Thanks for visiting my TTT!

  5. RS напиша:

    Great topic! I’m in the same boat w/ TBR books dating back to 2012, haha. You have some even more obscure picks in this list though, wow. Was it based on books you own and haven’t read yet, personal recs, or what? I’m kind of curious how you came across some of the non-classics here.

    Thanks for reminding me The Professor exists…it’s on my theoretical TBR…which means I want to read it someday, but don’t actually have any concrete plans to do so soon and thus it’s not written down anywhere. So I vote that one!

  6. I do not think I have read any of these, actually! I have to ask, do you think you ever will read them? I wonder about that with the old books on my TBR too- like if they’ve been there over a decade, is there even a chance at this point? 😂 I love your topic choice, this is so fun to think about!
