No Wrap Ups, No TBRs, No Book Hauls

After a blog hiatus wherein I successfully relocated myself and my books back to my hometown, I’m back with an announcement: I will no longer be posting TBRs, Wrap Ups and Book Hauls on this blog. Now, this may be a temporary thing and there will be exceptions such as readathon TBRs, etc, but for the most part I want to focus more on reviews and discussion type posts.

The drive towards consumerism and buying all the books that I’m seeing on booktook, bookstagram, booktube and book blogging communities has slowly been giving me headaches. I’ve already realized I can’t read all the books ever but battling the desire to go out and purchase more has been overwhelming in the past year. More time at home meaning more free time meaning more time to consume content.

This is something I’ve been thinking about for a while, but having to move was definitely the tipping point. I’m also reevaluating my slight hoarding habit when it comes to stationery, postcards, etc, but that’s not what we’re here to discuss today.

I’m not saying I won’t go out and buy any more books but I want to read the unread ones that have been sitting on my shelves for a while before I go out and buy 30 more. That being said, I think I’ll still share book haul type content on my bookstagram as I love a good book stack photo, but you won’t be seeing them on the blog.

You will still see the occasional wrap up type post for reading challenges but I’m hoping that not worrying about monthly wrap ups and how big the stack is will help. And I’ll share a big wrap up or at least reading highlights at the end of the year.

This is by no means final, but whilst my thoughts on this settle and I come to a decision, this seems like a good temporary solution. Maybe it’ll help reduce my bookish related stress a little. When did reading turn into a competition? I guess it started with me trying to pass my Goodreads reading challenge year by year, then discovering Booktube and all sorts of reading challenges and readathons.

In summary:

  • Book hauls will be posted on Instagram
  • TBRs for readathons may appear as blog posts or Youtube videos
  • Wrap ups for readathons and reading challenge summaries on the blog.

I want to try my hand at vlogging again, so there may be some content of this type being shared in video format (if I get over how awkward I feel on camera and editing my own videos).

I realize this sounds conflicting, am I making any sense? I kept waiting to form more coherent sentences to explain this but it’ll have to word vomit or I’ll never hit the ‘Publish’ button.

What are your thoughts on all the book hauls, wrap ups, tbrs and other challenges we are bombarded with on social media and elsewhere on a daily basis? I can’t be the only one having mixed feelings about a lot of things lately, so share your thoughts with me, let’s discuss this.

Until the next blog post, happy reading!

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2 Responses

  1. Marg напиша:

    It is the curse of the book blogger to want all the books, but you are right, you can’t ever read them all!

    At the end ofthe day, it is your blog, and so you can blog however you want to, so if you don’t want to do haul posts don’t! And same for any other post.

  1. мај 4, 2021

    […] interested in what you think about TBRs, book hauls and wrap ups. Please check out this blog post No Wrap Ups, No TBRs, No Book Hauls and let me know what you […]
