Ten More Books About Books

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Today’s prompt is favorite book settings. Mine are libraries, bookshops or other books about books. So here’s my list:

The Roald Dahl Treasury – I was initially thinking to flip the page to Mathilda but decided to include the whole Treasury instead, after all it includes all of Dahl’s books.

The Neverending Story by Michael Ende – a lonely boy reads a strange book that pulls him into the worl of Fantastica. One for every young or adult lover of fantasy or books about books alike.

Tilly and the Bookwanderers by Anna James – a middle grade fantasy series about Tilly, a little girl living above a London bookshop that can read herself into the books she reads i.e. bookwander.

The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova – this one is about a girl finding clues about her father’s job in an old book. I haven’t finished it yet so not sure how prominently books will be featured as the story goes on, but the beginning seemed fitting for this list.

1Q84 by Haruki Murakami – Tengo is aspiring young writer and ghostwriter and there’s more that I don’t want to reveal, this is one of my favorite books of last year and my favorite Murakami. If you read one of his books, read this one.

The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco – this one is on my TBR, but I trust my friend’s recommendation saying this is a book about books.

The New York Trilogy by Paul Auster – one I’m currently reading and features Quinn, a mystery writer who’s drawn into what may or may not be an adventure. I can’t wait to read more.

People of the Book by Geraldine Brooks – a book expert is offered her dream job:  analysis and conservation of the famed Sarajevo Haggadah, which has been rescued from Serb shelling during the Bosnian war. Priceless and beautiful, the book is one of the earliest Jewish volumes ever to be illuminated with images. We follow Hanna as she slowly discovers some of the mysteries of this book.

Camino Island by John Grisham – A gang of thieves stage a daring heist from a vault deep below Princeton University’s Firestone Library. Their loot is priceless, impossible to resist.

Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor – Lazlo Strange is a librarian, need I say more?

Check out my first books about books post here.

Let me know if you have any books about books recommendations and leave your TTT in the comments.

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14 Responses

  1. Carol (Reading Ladies) напиша:

    I love bookshop and library settings! Two of my fav bookshop settings are The Last Bookshop in London and The Storied Life of AJ Fikry.

  2. Poinsettia напиша:

    Nice list! Being able to read yourself into a book sounds intriguing! Here is my Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

  3. I would love to be a Bookwanderer like Tilly! I would settle with being able to visit Pages & Co.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  4. Leah @ Leah's Books напиша:

    Wow, People of the Book sounds really good! Great list!

  5. Greg напиша:

    I should revisit Roald Dahl as an adult. And The Name of the Rose- I only ever saw the movie but was fascinated by the library…

  6. Sarita@MoreToDiscover напиша:

    The John Grisham one sounds interesting!

  7. The Historian has been on my shelf for AGES, but the size of it keeps putting me off.

  8. An @ Traversing Chapters напиша:

    I got about halfway through The Name of the Rose. It was really good, but the prose wasn’t easy to read and it featured discussions about philosophy, making it quite “heavy” so to speak.

  9. Bree @1girl2manybooks напиша:

    Anything set in a library or a bookshop is a win

  10. I’ve never read any of Laini Taylor’s books (except maybe a novella?), but I know LOTS of readers love them. 🙂 Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland on this week.
