The Road Trip by Beth O’Leary

Very nearly the perfect contemporary read for me!
I read and loved The Flatshare last year and I should not have waited a year to read another O’ Leary book.
The Road Trip is the story of Addie and Dylan, who we learn have previously been in a relationship, travelling to a mutual friend’s wedding with three other people. As they drive to Scotland in a Mini Cooper, we learn how they met, fell in love and what led to their breakup.
The chapters alternate between the POV of both main characters and also includes a then vs now perspective that adds a lot of background to the story.
Above all, I like that it seems realistic and there’s so much depth to the characters. The characters are well built and intriguing, I’d read books about Marcus, Rodney and Deb in a heartbeat if they were available.
I appreciate that were few over the top scenes which seem common in contemporary stories nowadays, made the story seem realistic, like these are real people and real events.
I would list triggers but they’re kind if spoilery, only look them up if absolutely necessary.
Highly recommended! 4.5 stars
I’m definitely going to read O’Leary’s other books. Let me know your thoughts on this or her other books in the comments.