Things Getting in the Way of Reading & Things That Intrigue Me About a Book

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Today’s topic is things that make us instantly want to read a book. However, I skipped last week’s prompt so I’m doing a combo of this week and last week’s prompt.

Things getting in the way of reading:

  1. Work – as spring is generally a busy period in the industry I work in. I don’t think this calls for any further explanation.
  2. HBO Max and performing arts theaters – specifically my re-watch of The Big Bang Theory with my husband, we’re both thoroughly obsessed with the show and I love watching this again with him. We’re also really into theater at the moment and have watched several performances in recent months.
  3. House plants – I somehow found my way onto several Instagram house plant accounts and have since started growing a bit of a collection. This takes a fair amount of time.
  4. Socializing and spending time outdoors – I’m a bit of a grinch in the colder months and with the weather somewhat improved, I suddenly want to catch up with all my friends outdoors
  5. Book shopping – ironic I know, but it seems I’m spending more time book shopping or thinking about the books I’d like to get rather than reading lately. Book collecting and reading seem two entirely different hobbies, who would’ve thought, huh? 😀

Things that intrigue me about a book:

  1. book about books, libraries, authors or book writing;
  2. a book being recommended by several different people or place at the same or near the same time;
  3. great world building;
  4. based on a true story or perspective never seen before;
  5. new book by a favorite author.

What do you think about my lists? Leave your TTT in the comments.

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11 Responses

  1. Lydia напиша:

    Growing house plants is a cool hobby!

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday post.

  2. Book shopping is a great distraction! I can’t resist a bookstore 🙂

    Happy TTT!


  3. Tanya @ Girl Plus Books напиша:

    A New book by a favorite author is like catnip. I can’t resist. Then again, I have a habit of buying the new release (maybe even pre-ordering) and then I won’t read it for a while. I enjoy prolonging the anticipation. 🙂

  4. Work is the biggest thing that gets in the way of reading for me. I barely read anything during the summer because work is too chaotic.

  5. Lark напиша:

    Work does get in the way of reading, doesn’t it?
    And I love your list of what tempts you to read a book. I’m always drawn to books about books, libraries, authors, bookstores, etc. 😀
    Thanks for commenting on my blog earlier.

  6. Jessica @ a GREAT read напиша:

    OOh nice ones! I find myself agreeing with all of these really!

    Thanks for visiting my TTT!

  7. Yvan напиша:

    Oh my goodness, I so agree with the things that takes time away from reading. They don’t seem to be a lot, but they are haha!

    And also, if you’re interested about books about books, or libraries, have you read The Library Book by Susan Orlean? 🙂

  8. Meezan напиша:

    I feel the same way about the warmer months as you do the colder months. I can’t stand the summer heat and humidity, so that’s my hibernation season. And it’s so true about book collecting being an entirely different hobby from reading. Enjoy the rest of your week. 🙂

  9. My sister is excellent with growing plants. Me, not so much! I’m glad you enjoy it.

    Books about bookish places and people are some of my favorites!

    Thanks for stopping by my list!

  10. Hamlette (Rachel) напиша:

    Fun combination of the prompts! I don’t have cable or network TV because I would spend waaaaay too much time watching stuff if I did ;-b

  11. Rissi JC напиша:

    Favorite authors and books about books does sound fun! Also… sounds like your new plant hobby is fun! I’d like to be successful with keeping small house plants alive but I rarely am. 😉 Thanks for visiting my website last week! Appreciate this.
