My 2023 in Books

2023 was quite the year on both a personal and professional level. I’m dedicating this post to 2023 in books, luckily Goodreads is here with all the stats.
In summary:
- I read 130 books and 46,824 pages
- The longest book I read at 1302 pages was London by Edward Rutherfurd
- The average book length was 360 pages
- The most popular book I read based on number of times shelved on Goodreads was People We Meet on Vacation by Emily Henry
- My average rating was 3.1
- I gave a 5 star rating to 6 books
- Several very memorable 4 star reads ended up on my ‘best of 2023’ shelf
- I continue to not rate non-fiction, but I’m happy to say a non-fiction titles has made me on my ‘best of’ list
- I marked 5 books as ‘did not finish’ and I have no intention of revisiting any of them
- I listened to 30+ audiobooks and actually expected this number to be higher considering how much time I’ve spent on the Everand app (formerly known as Scribd)
- I read 12 ebooks and basically only used my Kindle while travelling, I’m hoping to change that in the new year
If curious about the rest of the books I read this year, check out my Goodreads.
You can find my top 10 reads of 2023 on the blog already. I’m sorry to say I actually forgot to include one of my favorites there and that’s Holding Up the Universe by Jennifer Niven, this could easily knock down Beast Served Cold by Joe Abercrombie from the list. I’m considering doing a list of honorable mentions even though when I first sat down to put the list together, I could not come up with 10 titles.
My ’30-before-30′ challenge ended in May and was both a failure and a success, here’s my summary. The most memorable title was definitely War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy. This is the biggest challenge I’ve ever attempted and I’m not sure if I’ll ever try anything similar again.
I have some tentative plans on 2024, but more on that in a post later this month.
Feel free to post your yearly wrap up or year in books in the comments, I’d love to check it out.