13 Minutes by Sarah Pinborough

13 Minutes by Sarah Pinborough

I hadn’t read a thriller in a while and I had been eyeing this book for a while because of the cover. I ended up taking it on vacation with me and here’s my...

One Night on the Island by Josie Silver

More like Several Months on the Island? Either way, I like what Josie Silver is doing with the titles of her novels. I’ve previously read and reviewed One Day in December (in Macedonian) so...

To Paradise by Hanya Yanagihara

To Paradise is not an easy book to give a synopsis for, reviewing it seems even trickier but I will give it my best shot. I was incredibly excited for a new Yanagihara book....


Leviathan Wakes: To Read or Not?

I bought this gorgeous anniversary edition of the first book in the Expanse series hoping I’d love it. And….spoiler alert: I didn’t quite like it. I was surprised to hear that James S.A. Corey...


Крај за паметење од Џенифер Пробст

Втора книга во серијалот Stay на Џенифер Пробст. Мојот осврт за првата Почеток од соништата, можете да го прочитате овде. Иако е втора книга, може да се чита и засебно. Еден од главните ликови...
