Created by Nicole & Her Books on Youtube

1. A popular book EVERYONE loves that you have no interest in reading?

House of Earth and Blood by Sarah J. Maas – after my experience with reading the first 2 Throne of Glass books, I have no interest in reading any more books written by Maas regardless of how many friends or people I follow sing praises for this book.

2. A classic book (or author) you don’t have an interest in reading?

There’s several but let’s go with J.D. Salinger – on this list as I’ve been unable to finish The Cather in the Rye and have no interest in any of his other works.

3. An author whose books you have no interest in reading?

Colleen Hoover because there’s some form of violence in every book of hers that I’ve read and somehow they all end up being labeled a love story. I don’t plan on reading any more of her books.

4. An author you have read a couple of books from & have decided their books are not for you?

John Green and myself are parting ways after how much I disliked Paper Town and multiple failed attempts to read Looking for Alaska.

5. A genre you have no interest in OR a genre you tried to get into & couldn’t?

Books themed around or about philosophy.

6. A book you have bought but will never read? (this can be a book you have unhauled/returned to the library unread)

The Ghosts of Cape May: Book 1 I bought this when I lived in the area for the summer as a souvenir. I only realized afterwards that I do not care for the paranormal-activity-in-old-houses topic, but I’ll never get rid of my copy.

7. A series you have no interest in reading OR a series you started & have dnf’d?

A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin – I have been unable to read past book 3 and at this point I have no interest in reading the rest of the series.

8. A new release you have no interest in reading?

Concrete Rose by Angie Thomas as I have no interest in the parents from THUG.

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